In The News
One of our students, Anthony Cruz, was featured recently in the New York Times. PS 11 remains passionate about helping all students learn to read. The work we are doing helps to change the narrative for our students. Opening a conversation and normalizing reading challenges will help give other scholars the courage to recognize their own challenges. Most importantly, the article brings HOPE that all children will learn how to read; how we get there might look different for others.
Ms. Gulisano Honored
Our amazing and dedicated colleague and resident "Wonder Woman," Ms. Gulisano, has been honored with a prestigious award given to only ten individuals in the country. The American Library Association has announced that our very own, Ms. Gulisano has been given the I Love My Librarian Award.
Debate Team Turns Out
Our school's Debate Team, led by Mr. Diaz and Ms. Nguyen, had their first District 9 debate last month held at PS 132. Our students did a fantastic job and it was a wonderful learning experience.
These new experiences help us grow! We can't wait for the next debate!
Principal Book Club Begins
Ms. Joy-Rodrigo has invited families to join in a community-wide book club reading Michelle Obama's book, The Light We Carry. Many parents have signed up for this exciting book club that will begin in February. Please let us know if you are interested in joining.
Paint Nights
For the last several Tuesdays, our Art Teacher, Mr. Widem, has been leading our students and their families in paint nights at the Annex.
Our families have a wonderful time, making art and spending time together. Thank you to all who help to make this happen.
Art Excursions
Another group of students were able to take a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Their focus was Cultures of the World, and they were able to explore various art from Asia and the Middle East. It was a wonderful learning experience.
PBIS Rallies
PBIS Rallies
Our PS 11 Family had our fifth PBIS Rally for student recognition and attendance
awards! It was a huge success. We concluded the event with a school-wide dance party!